URL: https://it.desy.de/services/www/personal_web_pages/general_hints/Pilot_Einstellungsgesuch_eng_Nov_2021_eng.html/@@siteview
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general hints
- Personal web pages are no private web pages and have to comply in content and form with the interests of DESY.
- Also for personal web pages validates the DESY policy for web pages in its actual version.
- Responsible for content and form is the respective owner of the account.
- Abuse will be prosecuted.
- Infringements against the DESY web page policy has to be promptly corrected.
- Personal web pages are in general word wide visible.
- The DESY web search engine indexes also personal web pages by its rules. Therefrom also personal web pages can and will be searched.
- None personal content, like for example group, collaboration and project pages, should not be stored on a personal account. You can get consultation and help for such web portals by the Web Office at DESY.
- General hints to the DESY web and consultation can be obtained at the User Consulting Office (UCO) at DESY.