URL: https://it.desy.de/services/operating_systems/windows/Pilot_Einstellungsgesuch_eng_Nov_2021_eng.html/@@siteview
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Introducing Windows 11 at DESY
In October of 2025 Windows 10 support will be discontinued. Until then all DESY Windows 10 devices will be gradually upgraded to Windows 11.
This happens group internally and will be carried out by the Windows Group Admins.
You will start using Windows 11 as soon as either
- Your DESY group starts upgrading its Windows 10 devices or
- You receive a new device at DESY. These will now come with Windows 11 by default.
Please note that devices with an outdated BIOS version are usually timely replaced and this can be a reason for you to get a new Windows 11 device.You can ask your Windows Group Admins if you have any questions.
The use of Windows 11 is advised as soon as your group is ready for the upgrade. In individual cases the use of Windows 10 is still possible until October 2025.
Existing instructions and documentations for Windows 10 will now be adapted to Windows 11 bit by bit. If there are significant differences between Windows 10 and 11 in certain scenarios, it will be mentioned in the instructions; this way, usable instructions for Windows 10 will still be available to you.
If you have any questions, please contact the UCO (User Consulting Office) by email: uco@desy.de or by phone: -5005 .