Frequently Asked Quiestions

For additional information, please contact the

How to register a new node?

Please fill in the application form. It will be send to the TSM-Admins.

TSM Klient-Packages: Where are those?

TSM packages for several OS are listed under software.

Linux: How to install and update the TSM client?
Installing TSM on Ubuntu
       The TSM packages for Ubuntu 14.04 and upwards are located in the DESY ASG repository for Ubuntu.
       A new component "tsm" has been created, which contains the IBM TSM packages and a metapackage.
       1. Create a new sources.list with the following content:
             $ vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tsm.list
             deb trusty tsm
             deb-src trusty tsm

          2.a Up to Ubuntu Version 18 and Debian 10:
             Add DESY GPG Apt key (Fingerprint: 0C81 0EC0 C0C7 E422 2B93 5FD2 0E60 CA79 4E76 CE0E)
               $ wget
               $ apt-key add DESY-Debian-key.asc

          2.b From Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 11 on should the signed-by syntax be used:

              As root please issue the following steps:
             * wget -O /etc/apt/keyrings/DESY-Debian-key.asc
             * echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/DESY-Debian-key.asc] CODENAME tsm" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tsm.list
             * apt update
             * apt install tsm

             CODENAME needs to be replaced by the code name of the distribution:
             * Ubuntu 20.04 -> focal
             * Ubuntu 22.04 -> jammy
             * Ubuntu 24.04 -> noble
             * Debian 11 -> bullseye
             * Debian 12 -> bookworm

       3. Update the repository sources
             $ aptitude update
       4. Install the TSM metapackage, which installs all required packages
             $ aptitude install tsm
       5. Configure TSM on your machine by editing the configuration in /etc/tsm
       6. Enable dsmcad to start on boot
             $ update-rc.d dsmcad defaults

Updating TSM on Ubuntu
         1. apt upgrade tsm

Installing TSM on SL5/6 or el7 64 bit:
         1. yum groupinstall tsm --enablerepo=desy-tsm
         2. Eidt /etc/tsm die dsm.opt(domain) und dsm.sys(nodename)
         3. dsmc q fi
             "Please enter your user id node_name: enter
             "Please enter password for user id "node_name": enter the initial TSM password(ask your TSM-Admin)
         4. /etc/init.d/tsm-sched start(nur fuer 32 bit) sl 5/6
            service dsmcad start(fuer 64 bit) sl5/6
         5. for EL 7 after install :
              service dsmcad stop
              chkconfig --del dsmcad
              rm /etc/init.d/dsmcad
              If the dsmcad.service file doesn't exist in /etc/systemd/system/ please copy the file from
              /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmcad.service to /etc/systemd/system .
              service dsmcad start
              systemctl restart dsmcad.service

Update TSM on SL5/6 or el7 64 bit:
          1. yum groupupdate tsm

Contact E-Mail:

After the node registration:
       dsmc set password
SUSE: How to start the client scheduler (dsmcad) on boot of the system?

Copy the /afs/ script
into the /etc/init.d directory on the SUSE-system.

chmod 744 /etc/init.d/tsm-sched
chkconfig --add tsm-sched
chkconfig --list tsm-sched (just to be sure)

For further information please refer to: the IBM pages.

Windows: How to install and update the TSM client?

Start Backup-Archive GUI
Choose Task: Create a new option file; Next
TSM Client Node NAme: "TSM-NodeName"; Next
TSM Client/Server Communications: TCP/IP; Next
TSM Server Address: itsm-w03 (Contact the TSM Admin)
TSM Server Port Number: 1503(Contact the TSM Admin); Next
Recommended Include/Exclude List: Select All; Next
Please select from the list the file types you wish to be excluded; Next
Backup Type: Incremental
Specify which file systems to include in your client domain: C:(\\zitpcx20809\c$); Next
Confirm and Apply
Enter TSM Password

Automatical Start TSM GUI
Utilities->Setup Wizard
Help me configure the TSM Client Scheduler; Next
Install a new or additional scheduler; Next
Type a naem for the client scheduler: TSM Scheduler Name
Use the Client Acceptor deamon: check in; Next
Enter TSM acceptor name; Next
Specify the options file that TSM should use: C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt; Next
Type the TCP/IP port address to use to communicate with the Web client acceptor: 1581; Next
Type the initial password for your node: (contact the TSM Admin)
Select: Contact the TSM Server to validate password; Next
Service login options -> The System account
Service login options -> Automatically when Windows boots; Next;
Specify the file names and locations of your client schedule log and error log files; Next
Start Option -> Would you like to start the service upon completion of this wizard?: Yes; Next
Apply; Finish

Allow IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Agent Client, IBM Tivoli Storage CAD Client(dsmcad.exe) to communicate through Windows Firewall.

The configuration file: C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt has to contain a line:

Mac: How to install and update the TSM client?

Please install the current TSM package from the AFS directory:

are located excample dsm.opt and dsm.sys filesi, both shall be copied to:
/Library/Preferences/Tivoli\ Storage\ Manager/
after intallation of the software.

Please change the servername, tcpserveraddress and tcpport according to the received information.
Please configure also the domains (directories which are to be backuped): See 'How to specify the filesystems/volumes for backup?' in the FAQ.

Start dsmcad.

Mac: Example of DSM.SYS, DSM.OPT

The path:
/Library/Preferences/Tivoli\ Storage\ Manager/dsm.sys

WEBPORTS 1548,1549
    NODENAME substitute_node_name
    TCPPORT tcpport_number
EXCLUDE "/.../dsmsched.log"
EXCLUDE "/.../dsmprune.log"
EXCLUDE "/.../dsmerror.log"
EXCLUDE "/.../dsmj.log"
EXCLUDE "/.../.hotfiles.bTree"
EXCLUDE.DIR "/private/tmp"
EXCLUDE.DIR "/private/var/vm"
EXCLUDE.DIR "/private/var/tmp"
EXCLUDE.DIR "/.../.fseventsd"
EXCLUDE.DIR "/.../.Trashes"
EXCLUDE.DIR "/.../.Spotlight-V100"
EXCLUDE.DIR "/.../Library/Caches"
EXCLUDE.DIR "/Users/.../Library/Caches"
EXCLUDE.DIR "/private/var/db/netinfo/local.nidb"
EXCLUDE.DIR "/.../Backups.backupdb"

/Library/Preferences/Tivoli\ Storage\ Manager/dsm.opt

SERVERNAME substitute_server_name

Mac: Use of Tivoli Storage Manager classic scheduler dsmc sched

In case of problems with dsmcad (Client Acceptor Daemon, the recommended Tivoli Storage Manager client scheduler for the Macintosh platform), one can use the classic scheduler.
The classisc scheduler can be started on the command line of every Mac-system.

Mac:~ Administrator$ sudo su -
Mac:~ root#

Important are two options:
In the GUI to be configured like:

TSM tools for Administrators -> Tivoli Storage Manager
(enter administrator password)
Edit -> Client Preferences
Web Client tab
Important: the schedule box is _NOT_ checked.

Oder in der GUI
Edit -> Client Preferences
Authorization tab
"Password Generate" checked.

Add or change in /Library/Preferences/Tivoli\ Storage\ Manager/dsm.sys file:

Mac:/Library/Application Support/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin root# ./dsmc
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
Command Line Backup/Archive Client Interface
Client Version 5, Release 5, Level 0.0
Client date/time: 11/24/2009 07:04:12
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Node Name: MACNODE
Please enter your user id :

Please enter password for user id "MACNODE":

Session established with server TSM_SERVER: AIX
Server Version 6, Release 1, Level 2.1
Server date/time: 11/24/2009 08:04:09 Last access: 11/24/2009 08:04:09

tsm> quit

Afterwards one can start the classisc scheduler in the background:

# cd /Library/Application\ Support/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/
# nohup ./dsmc sched > /dev/null 2>&1 &

The scheduler-output is /Library/Logs/tivoli/tsm/dsmsched.log

To start the scheduler during the boot process:

OSX 10.4, 10.5, 10.6:

As root user:

# crontab -e

Enter the lines:
@reboot cd /Library/Application\ Support/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/ ; ./dsmc sched > /dev/null 2>&1

OSX 10.4, 10.5:
Create an entry in /etc/rc.local with the content:

/Library/Application\ Support/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmc sched > /dev/null 2>&1

(Important: from OSX 10.6 on, the rc.local method is not supported anymore)

Solaris-Sparc: How to install and update the TSM client?

Installation (new)
       mkdir /tmp/tsm
       cd /tmp/tsm/
       scp -p username@pal:/afs/ /tmp/tsm/
       tar -xvf tsm.solaris.desy.tar
       ./desy.dsminst-solaris u solaris_node noint

If the node is an AFS-Host:
       /afs/ u solaris_node noint

Questions during installation process:
       Please enter your user id node_name: enter
       Please enter password for user id "node_name": the initial TSM-Password (like received from the TSM-Admin)

After the sucessfull initialisation:
       dsmc set password

       scp -p username@pal:/afs/ /tmp/tsm/
       tar -xvf tsm.solaris.desy.upd.tar

Solaris x86: How to install and update the TSM client?

Installation (new):
       mkdir /tmp/tsm
       cd /tmp/tsm/
       scp -p username@pal:/afs/ /tmp/tsm/
       tar -xvf tsm.solaris_x86.desy.tar
       ./desy.dsminst-solaris_x86 u solaris86_node_name noint

If the node is an AFS-Host:
       /afs/ u node_name noint

Questions during installation process:
        Please enter your user id node_name: enter
        Please enter password for user id "node_name": the initial TSM-Password (like received from the TSM-Admin)

After the sucessfull initialisation:
        dsmc set password

       scp -p username@pal:/afs/ /tmp/tsm/
       tar -xvf tsm.solaris_x86.desy.upd.tar

Which filesystems exist (are configured for backup) on the server?

       dsmc q fi

How to specify the filesystems/volumes for backup?

A backup for certain files or volumes can be specified with:
        dsmc incr -domain="/ /usr"

The filesystems can also be configured in "dsm.opt".
        domain / /usr

If the domain are not configured in "dsm.opt" and the
        dsmc incr
is issued, all local filesystems will be backuped.

How to backup a directory which is not a mountpoint?

In case a directory is not a mountpoint, additionally to the entry in "dsm.opt" an entry in "dsm.sys" as "virtualmountpolnt" should be configured.
In dsm.opt:
        Domain /home/user_name/dir
In dsm.sys:
        virtualmountpoint /home/user_name/dir

What is the difference between archiving and backup of files?

Der TSM allows also to archive files.

Unlike the backup, an archive is always a unique file that is equipped with information.

In contrast to the backup, there is no versioning and a defined deletion time of the file, which depends on the selected management class.

The file is removed from the system on the defined release date.

Example output of :

dsmc q mgmt


MgmtClass Name            : DESY.12Y.MC
Description                     : DESY Management Class for 12 years Archive Copy Group
MgmtClass Name             : DESY.1Y.MC
Description                     : DESY Management Class for 1 year Archive Copy Group
MgmtClass Name             : DESY.3Y.MC
Description                     : DESY Management Class for 3 years Archive Copy Group
Command Functionality
dsmc archive {pfad/datei/en} [-archmc=<archclass>][-description="Archiv Test 2012" ]

Archive files

( archmc = mgmtclassname ; desription default = date of day)

dsmc retrieve {pfad/datei/en} [-description="Archiv Test 2012" ] Retrieve files
dsmc q ar {pfad/datei/en} [-fromdate=2010/08/01] Show files
dsmc delete archive {datei/en} Delete files
dsmc q ar subdir=yes {datei} Search files
dsmc q mgmt Show valid <archclass> definitions


How to change the password for the client node?

open a terminal
/usr/bin/dsmc set password

press the start-button and r
type in / copy into the Run-window:
C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmc set password

How long will the data be saved?

dsmc q mgmt -det

The first part of the output contains the name of the used "Default Mgmt Class Name". The block with this "MgmtClass Name"name"" contains along other information:

     Versions Data Exists - how many versions of the files are to be stored, as long as a current file exists.

     Versions Data Deleted - up to how many versions of a file shall be stored, if no current file exists any more.

     Retain Extra Versions - how long shall inactive versions of a file be stored.

     Retain Only Version - how long shall the last version of an inactive file be stored, after the last active version ceased to exist.

How to store files with special characters in the name(e.g. Umlaute)?

The filenames shall be created with character set ISO-8859-15.
The environment variables shall be set to::
     export LANG=de_DE
     export LC_CTYPE=de_DE

When does the next planned backup start?

       dsmc q sched

Which files are stored?

- only the active versions:
     dsmc q ba "/home*"
  - all stored files:
     dsmc q ba "/home*" -ina
  - all active versions in a directory:
     dsmc q ba "/home*" -subdir=no
  - with details:
     dsmc q ba file_name -ina -det
  - all archived files in current version:
     dsmc q archive "*"
   - for mor eoptions:
     dsmc help q

To view inactive files in the graphical interface, the view has to be changed:
choose in 'View': 'Display active/inactive files'

Use braces in a file path specification within a query or restore/retrieve to isolate and explicitly identify the file space name (or virtual mount point name) to TSM in cases where there can be ambiguity. For example: If you have two filespaces "/a" and "/a/b" and want to query "/a/b/somefile" from the /a file system, specify "{/a/}somefile".
        dsmc q ba {/a/}somefile

How to exclude some files or directories from the backup?

To exclude some files or directories from beeing stored, configure this in the file "inclexcl".
The path for the "inclexl"-file is stored in dsm.sys.
     exclude /.../*.tmp
     exclude.dir /tmp

On Windows this is configured in the file: "dsm.opt".
       dsmc q inclexcl
shows a list of include / exclude-clauses in the storage sequence.

Datensicherung startet nicht. Woran liegt es?
How to restore stored AFS files from the TSM-backup?

The date format depends on the settings in your operation system. To ensure the same format, you can use as first option "-date=4" for the format DD.MM.YYYY:
tsm> rest -date=4 -ina -pitdate=21.07.2004 /afs/

or insert the option:
dateformat 4
into: /etc/tsm/dsm.opt

following examples works only on afs systems with dsmc_afs :

- simple file restore to another destination:
       tsm> restore /afs/ /afs/
- simple file restore, with replace option:
       tsm> restore -rep=yes /afs/
- selection menue of old file versions:
       tsm> restore -inactiv -pick /afs/
- restore old file version with date limit:
       tsm> rest -ina -pitdate=2004.07.01 /afs/
- restore old file version with specific date, from which you want to search for backup copies. Files that were backed up before this date and time are not included
       tsm> rest -ina -pick -fromdate=2004.07.01 /afs/
- restore old file version with specific date range:
       tsm> rest -ina -fromdate=2010.04.21 -tod=2010.05.05 "/afs/*"
- restore old directory version, with date limit and replace data:
       tsm> restore -ina -rep=yes -subdir=yes -pitdate=2004.07.01 /afs/

- use braces in a file path specification within a query or restore/retrieve to isolate and explicitly identify the file space name (or virtual mount point name) to TSM in cases where there can be ambiguity. For example: If you have two filespaces "/a" and "/a/b" and want to query "/a/b/somefile" from the /a file system, specify "{/a/}somefile".
         tsm> restore {/a/}somefile

How to restore backuped data?

How to restore from any local TSM/ADSM node to start the TSM GUI:

dsm in older TSM Versions, in newer use dsmj

press the Restore button and select your file.
Alternatively you can restore a specific file under the current pwd via TSM CLI (command-line interface).
A simple restore example:

dsmc restore scan.tex

How to restore an AFS file (user or group) quick from the ~/.OldFiles/ directory or from the DESY AFS TSM GUI via:

dsm_afs (or /products/adsm/bin/dsm_afs)

Press the Restore button and select your file, or with the DESY AFS TSM CLI (command-line interface).


dsmc_afs restore /afs/
(for all inactive files in the directory)
dsmc_afs restore -ina "/afs/*"

ATTENTION: only such AFS files which are readable by system:administrators will be stored in the TSM backup node AFSFILE. AFS setacl example:

fs setacl -dir private -acl system:administrators rlidwka<

A detailed description with screenshots and informationen on the TSM/ADSM-V5- backup can be found at:

Backup for data in the WINDOWS 7/XP home directory/ Outlook User

Restore Windows XP/Windows 7 files on the WIN domain: please use "Previous Versions" on your directory.
Shadow copy help: ShadowCopy.doc
Restore older Windows files from the WIN domain, please send a request via email to windows

Restore a Zimbra INBOX file or folder files please send a request via email to mailmaster

Exceptions from Backup
There are some exceptions where a backup is normally not useful. E.g. temporary files, cach directories of applications and logfiles that are changing, and directories which have been exempted in compliance with the group administrators.

For any kinds of questions: please contact the UCO