URL: https://it.desy.de/services/meeting_service/webconferences/zoom/Pilot_Einstellungsgesuch_eng_Nov_2021_eng.html/@@siteview
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What is Zoom?
Zoom is a conference tool with functions for video calls, screen sharing and much more. DESY has purchased a limited number of licenses for it.
There are two different account types: The free basic accounts and the paid licensed accounts. The only difference is that meetings with a basic account are limited to a time limit of 40 minutes. After 40 minutes the meeting ends, but a new meeting can be started immediately. This time limit does not apply to licensed accounts. Regardless of the account type, up to 300 people can participate in a meeting.
How do I get access to Zoom?
Currently there is no automatic access possible that can be used with a DESY account.
To register a free DESY basic ZOOM account please go to https://desy.zoom.us and choose "Register". You have to use your DESY e-mail address (.....@desy.de) for the registration. Only then your new ZOOM account will be added to the DESY ZOOM business accout automatically.
Please note: Your ZOOM password must NOT be the same as your DESY account password!
If you need to have longer continuos meetings you need to buy a licensed account in the DESY Asset Manager (AMS). If you don't have a AMS account please contact your responsible IT-Administrator.
Hint: On the AMS website the ZOOM license is listed under "special procurement".
Recordings of Zoom meetings
By default the recording option for your personal Zoom accout is disabled. If you need this functionality for a good reason you need to make yourself familiar with the legal rules of data protection. To make sure you did this and also for documention reasons we provide a form for this task. The form for a registration for video recordings can be found in the form management system.
After posting the form and processing the request your Zoom account will be enabled for recording .
If you plan to publish a recording, a signed declaration of consent is mandatory. A template of a declaration of consent to be signed by the recorded person can be found here.
Please send the filled in and signed declaration of all recorded people by e-mail to meeting.service@desy.de
Which Data Protection Aspects do I have to consider?
In principle, all users are able to create a user account at Zoom. This is always a so-called "Basic User". However, to meet the data protection requirements of DESY, your free basic user account will be automatically linked with the Zoom business account of DESY.
What is a Webinar?
Compared to a meeting, a webinar is more like a virtual lecture, where short speeches and questions from viewers can be contributed using a question & answer function. The person organizing the webinar (the host) has a little more control over the release of audio and video from the participants.
For a complete comparison of available features, visit the following website if needed:
Where can I find more information?
Every function of Zoom is also well explained in the form of videos on the website of the publisher of Zoom: Zoom Video Tutorials
- How do I install Zoom?
- What can I do after the first Start
- How do I do meetings?
- How to plan a meeting?
- Can I chat with other people?
How do I organize contacts?
What are the system requirements?
How do I install Zoom? 💿
To install the Zoom client, you have to first request access to Zoom.
In the invite email you get will be a registration link where you can create a Zoom account with your DESY email.
After that the download of the installer shouldstart automatically. Alternatively please download the cient using the following web site:
From 16.08.2020 at least ZOOM Client version 5.1.1 is necessary. In general for security reasons, please update your ZOOM client version regularly.
❗ Please never install Zoom and also other software from third party providers like chip.de but from official sources like the manufacturer, or download it from sources owned by DESY!
First Start
On the first start of Zoom you might need to login with your previously set credentials. Then you should already be in a personal meeting which you can leave with the "End meeting" button in the bottom right.
What can I do after the first Start? 💡
On the home screen are multiple options to choose from.
The most relevat are "New Meeting" and "Join".
Create a new Meeting
When cerating a meeting you will get asked about audio options. To use headphones/speakers you can test the configuration with clicking on "Test Speaker and Microphone".
If anything does not work, chances are that just the wrong microphone or speaker is selected, you can choose a working one in the test window.
Joining a Meeting
With the "Join" button you can easily join a meeting. For that you need the meeting ID. Depending on the settings you might need to enter an individual password set by the host.
How do I carry out Meetings? 📞
In a meeting all available functions are displayed in the bar at the bottom.
Invite others
Here you can invite further people to a meeting. These invitations can be sent via email or the invitation link can just be copied. In the same window you can also set a password that will be needed by others who join.
Manage participants
In the menu "Manage Participants" you can manage all current participants.
The host of the meeting can also make another member the new host of this meeting. If somebody wants to record a meeting the host has to first allow it. Keep in mind that in order to legally be able to record meetings all members have to give their permission. Also in the same menu the host can kick participants or rename them.
Share screen
By pressing the "Share Screen" button you can easily share your screen.
Also you can also just select a windows alone if nothing more is needed.
Additionally a digital whiteboard is available for fast sketches or similar.
Also the host can decide if multiple people or just one person at a time is allowed to share their screen.
How can you show you want to say something without interrupting? ✋
If you want to say something in a meeting and everyone is muted or you don't want to interrupt you can easily raise your hand with the button on the bottom right and that way show you want to say something.
How do I plan a meeting? 🕜
Zoom also makes it possible to plan meetings. After clicking on "Schedule" a few options for planning a meeting appear. The most important are time planning and recurring meetings.
The advanced options give you the possibility to decide whether users are able to enter the meeting before the host does.
Planned meetings can be deleted at any time in the tab "Meetings".
How do I chat with other people? 💬
The Zoom Client also has a built in chat function with which private or group chats are possible
To begin a new chat you can click the "+" symbol next to the "Recent" tag.
To add participants to this chat you have to search for them in the search bar in the top.
In a chat you can see everyone with a click on the "i" symbol in the top right and manage them. Here you can also find files that have already been sent.
How do I organize contacts? 📌
In the tab "Contacts" all registered employees at DESY are listed and can be directly contacted or invited to a meeting.
With a click on the name of a person you can also add them to the favorites list to find them next time.
System requirements
You can find the current system requirements on the publishers webpage: Zoom system requirements
Note that you need a current browser version in order for all the functions to work in the browser