URL: https://it.desy.de/services/telecommunication/cisco_callmanager/Pilot_Einstellungsgesuch_eng_Nov_2021_eng.html/@@siteview
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Cisco Callmanager
The Cisco Callmanager allows you to control and configure Cisco IP phones using a web interface. Using the Cisco Call Manager Self-Service Portal which is only reachabale from the internal DESY network https://callmgr.desy.de/ucmuser, users can set up call forwarding for their phone, among other things.
Configuring Call Forwarding
Please note that the following instructions are only applicable to you if your DESY telephone is a Cisco device. If you have a device of another manufacturer, please contact telefon.service@desy.de. In addition please consider, that (maybe private) target phone numbers where you forward your calls to, are visible for calling parties which call from a DESY phone number. Please note that due to an increased number of requests, currently it could take a bit longer that usual until your request can be processed.
If you should get an error message like "Berechtigung verweigert" / "Permission denied" when logging into the Self Service Portal, please send an email to telefon.service@desy.de giving your account name and DESY extension, to get permissions.
- Access the Cisco Callmanager self-service portal from the following Web page: https://callmgr.desy.de/ucmuser
- Log in with your DESY registration information
- In the left menu click on "Call forwarding"
- Open the section for the desired phone extension and activate the option "Forward all calls to:"
- Expand the drop-down menu and select "Add new number" and then enter the desired phone number. For external numbers, a 0 must be placed in front of the complete number.