
From 15.02.2024 the manufacturer support for the Atlassian services ends. This affects the Confluence wiki service (https://confluence.desy.de), among others.

In order to continue to offer a central wiki service, IT will provide the product XWiki from the beginning of 2024. You may reach the service via https://xwiki.desy.de.



All changes made in the preview system (https://it-xwiki-tst.desy.de) are not saved during the final migration!

If you want to make any changes, it is necessary to make them in Confluence, which will then get migrated to the production environment.


End of July 2024 - Begin of the automated Migration

From the end of July, the automated migration of Confluence Spaces to XWiki (https://xwiki.desy.de) will begin as follows:

  • 20 daily migrations of spaces with only 1 page
  • 20 daily migrations of spaces which haven't been updated for one year or longer


Automated migration into the Test-System (https://it-xwiki-tst.desy.de) with agreed procedure:

  • Starting with all spaces which have admins from the Registry-Namespace "IT"
  • then, migration of spaces which have been recently edited (one year ago or sooner) and containing more then one page. Beginning with 2-paged spaces with increasing page counts after.
  • Additionally: Manual migration of big spaces (50+ pages)


Overall: All other spaces to be discussed manually

For further details please see further down on this page


30.01.2024 - Begin of the first Migrations to the Test Server
  • First Migrations to the XWiki test server are taking place, on which the content can be checked by the responsible Space Admins.


Migration from Confluence to XWiki

The migration of data from Confluence to XWiki is performed centrally by DESY-IT. No special preparations or precautions are required on the part of the users. However, it may be helpful for the migration to note the following points and apply them where possible:

  • Remove macros that reference content from Bitbucket, Bamboo or Jira
  • Remove macros that already do not work in Confluence
  • Remove content that is no longer needed
  • Update space permissions if required, especially Administrator-rights, as these are used for contacting the correct users during the migration process.


When and how to migrate?

Standard procedure

For standard cases, spaces are migrated into the preview system first, to review all space contents. After that, spaces are migrated into the production ("normal") XWiki-instance.

The standard procedure of data migration is planned as follows described below. For the migration, several Spaces are bundled and migrated collectively.

  1. Pre-migration from Confluence to the XWiki preview system (https://it-xwiki-tst.desy.de) by DESY-IT
  2. Notification of the space admins by DESY-IT
  3. Review of the migrated content for technical issues by the Space Admins and feedback from them. A total of up to 30 days can be used for this purpose.
  4. Final migration of the data from Confluence to the production environment, this is forced after a period of 30 days if no feedback has been received from the Space Admins.
  5. In the course of the final migration, the respective Confluence Space is set to read-only.
  6. After the final migration, space admins will be notified again.


Very small and old spaces

Following spaces will be migrated directly into the production-instance (https://xwiki.desy.de):

  • Spaces with only one page
  • Spaces which haven't been edited in the last year, starting with the oldest

The Process is as follows:

  1. Migration of the space into the production-instance (https://xwiki.desy.de)
  2. Space-admins are notified


How will be communicated?

Space-admins serve as the primary contacts during the migration process. After every migration the admins will be notified about the completed process. If a space has more then 5 or no admins, the creator of the space will be contacted instead, if possible. As a consequence, a maximum of 5 users will be contacted per space.

Are major reworks required?

As we have experienced so far, no major reworking is required for simple text content. Only the page layout may look slightly different after the migration than before, which may result in smaller line spacing or similar at one point or another. If desired, appropriate reworking may be useful here to improve the readability of the content.


If macros are used on your Confluence pages, you may encounter error messages after the migration (indicated by a clearly visible pink box) because the macro no longer works. For most Confluence macros, there is a corresponding replacement in XWiki that can be used instead of the previous macro. Further information will be available shortly in the FAQ of the DESY XWiki service.


The standard diagram-tool for XWiki is DrawIO. During the transitional phase, Gliffy has been installed, which was used in confluence to create diagrams. All diagrams are therefore migrated and displayed, but can only be edited after manually converting them to a DrawIO-Diagram using the button "Convert". This action is usually required before a diagram can be edited.

Access to Confluence after the migration

Your Confluence space will be switched to read-only mode after the migration of its content to the XWiki production system (https://xwiki.desy.de). This means that on your XWiki space no more changes can be made to in Confluence after the migration to the procution system.

When is the migration phase completed?

In total, there are ~3000 confluence spaces which have to be migrated into XWiki. Around half of these a fullfilling the conditions mentioned above (only one page or last edit was more then one year ago.) Therefore, around 1500 spaces can be migrated directly into production, without the need to migrate into the preview-system first. For all other spaces, two migrations (preview-system and production) are necessary.

Overall, there are severel thousand migrations to be performed. Depending on the size of the space, the migration can take up to one hour or longer. It is currently planned to complete all essential migration tasks until the end of 2024.   


If anything is unclear about the use of XWiki, please first consult the official XWiki documentation and the DESY XWiki FAQ.
The DESY XWiki FAQ contains the most frequently asked questions and answers. These will be continuously expanded, especially during the introductory phase of XWiki at DESY.
Please note that the official XWiki documentation is only available in english. For non fluent english speakers we recommend using translation tools like DeepL, or the translator function of your browser.


If your question has not been answered on these pages, please contact the XWiki-Team
(e-mail: xwiki.service@desy.de), or, if you have more general questions, the central DESY IT helpdesk (e-mail: uco@desy.de, Tel: 5005).