Mount DesyCloud with WebDAV for Ubuntu

This web page describes how you can view and work with your Sync & Share data directly in File Explorer. By not having the data locally, you save disk space compared to using the Sync & Share client. However, this may slow down access to the data at times because it is an active connection.

Preliminary Steps

Please create a so-called app password first to establish the connection. You do not need your regular account password for this type of connection.

How to create an app password can be found in the FAQ here in the section "How do I create a so called App Password?".

In following you will get a short introduction in how to mount DESY Sync & Share with WebDAV.


Mount DESYcloud with Webdav

1. Open Nautilus and pick "Other Locations -> Connect to Server..."

2.Now enter the following URL "davs://" and replace "USERNAME" with your accountname.

3. In the next window, enter your username and the app password you created for this connection. Activate the connection option "Remember forever" (screenshot will be corrected shortly).

4. Now DESY Sync & Share should be mounted using WebDAV