URL: https://it.desy.de/services/e_mail/known_issues/Pilot_Abgabemeldung_eng.html/@@siteview
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Known Issues
Possible Problems with recurring appointments
There are reports of problems or side effects surrounding recurring appointments.
Unfortunately, these problems are difficult to reproduce and occur infrequently, so that there is no model solution to avoid them.
Among other things, the following behavior was observed:
- Adding and removing participants to a recurring appointment either fails to send alerts, or all invitees receive a re-invite.
- When moving a single appointment of a series, the date of the invitation is set to that of the first appointment in the series.
If you are experiencing problems, please contact the UCO and give us a detailed description of the error. Also, provide us with accurate information on the affected calendar and the recurrence appointment, as well as the time and user account under which the problem was observed.
Hints for changing calendar appointments in the Zimbra Web Client
If you want to create or change appointments in the Zimbra Webclient, you may have to pay attention to some special aspects.
If you want to change an existing appointment with already existing participants, there are certain possibilities how to "close" the appointment: "Send", "Save", "Close" or via the "X" in the upper right corner of the browser window (see below).
If you select one of the options "Send", "Save" or "Close", the desired action will be executed or you will be offered a corresponding selection whether you want to notify the participants when you select "Save" or "Close".
However, if you click on the "X", you will only be asked if you want to save the change, a notification will not be sent to the participants, i.e. neither the appointment in their calendars will be changed nor will they receive a notification.
From our point of view, this behaviour is inconsistent with the other behaviour in the web interface when closing an appointment - accordingly, we have sent a request to the manufacturer with a request for change / explanation.