URL: https://it.desy.de/services/networks/lan/Pilot_Einstellungsgesuch_eng_Nov_2021_eng.html/@@siteview
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LAN (Local Area Network)
The ip address range of our Network is further segemented mainly according to DESY organizational structure. Each subnet is managed by a so called Segmentadministrator who is reponsible to give ip addresses to users and who should be the first contact for any user request. You can find the segementadministrator responsible for yourself by having a look at our Segmentadministrators List showing their names, contact information, managed subnets and their organizational.
In most of the DESY Campus building we do offer a autosensing 10/100/100 MBit/s connection to the DESY IP Gigabit Ethernet Backbone network by minimum Cat5 Cabling with RJ-45 wall plugs.
It has been agreed that all left ports of each double junction box in the network will be patched and configured for dynamic VLANs on the switch. Right ports are generally not connected to the network and are only patched when needed, e.g. for static VLAN configuration. If possible, please use all existing left network sockets first before requesting a right one, this will help us to avoid unnecessarily increasing the costs of the hardware behind it. If you also need a right network socket, please send an e-mail to noc@desy.de, our colleagues will provide it in a few days. If the number of network connections in a room are not sufficient overall, you can request an additional connection with a workshop order (Werkstattauftrag / WA). Such an order will be charged with about 350 EUR. You can check the assignment of the connections in your room via our Port-Database.