URL: https://it.desy.de/services/networks/tools/Pilot_Einstellungsgesuch_eng_Nov_2021_eng.html/@@siteview
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For a proper day-to-day operation we are running various tools which are, depending on their possibilities, available to public users, segment administrators or the network operating center only.
List of public available tools
- Port Database to check network wall plugs
- MAC Adress Database to check registered MAC adresses (essential for the use of the DESY Intranet)
- A list of segmentadmins shows which person is reponsible for which subnet and gives detailed information about the subnets (repsonsible persons, Adress Range, Subnet Mask, Gateway)
List of available tools for segment administrators
- The IP-Management System (QIP) offering the possibilities for giving IP-Adresses, configure DHCP settings, register MAC addresses, etc. There will be used DHCP-Option-Templates for DHCP settings. Only a few are usable for Segmentadministrators. A List of Templates and Information will be found in the following PDF.
- QIP Command Line Interface - QIP-CLI
Instead of QIP Web-Client an CLI on Linux-Server is available.
For using CLI you have to logon with an AFS-Account on peanut.desy.de or via RDP (or other X-Application)
Please make use of one of the Environmentvariablen:
sh-User (ksh, zsh, etc.) it must be '. /opt/qip/current/etc/shrc' csh-User (csh, tcsh) it must be 'source /opt/qip/current/etc/cshrc'
Or put it in your Loginscript. Then You can use all CLI commands.
To hide Your PW if You are using CLI, use the following Script, which create the files qip.pcy and qip.key in Your ~/private Directory. It’s recommended!
You will find all Documentation you need on
If You have questions please contact qip@desy.de
All these Information You will also find here: https://it.desy.de/dienste/netzwerke/tools/index_ger.html
!!!You have to keep in mind the rules of DESY's RSR (Rechner Sicherheitsrat)!!!