
This page provides an overview about rights in XWiki.


Access-Rights in XWiki

Rights control who has access to specific pages or contents inside XWiki.
The rights can be configured per user or by (specifically created) groups and are passed on to sub-pages similar to Confluence.
This means rights can be restricted further and further or configured per page and then made accessible to higher pages via links.

The configurable rights are:

  • "View" (Allows viewing the page)
  • "Comment" (Allows leaving comments on the page)
  • "Edit" (Allows editing of the page)
  • "Script" (Allows the use of scripts [Only for advanced users])
  • "Delete" (Allows the deletion of the page)


  • "Admin" (Gives administrator-rights, which grant full control over a page)



If you grant someone Admin-rights in a apace, they can't be denied elsewhere. (Restricting some specific rights of an admin is NOT possible.)

An overview of all currently distributed rights of a page can be viewed on the "Detailled Page Rights" (Found in the Drop-Down menu "more actions", via the 3 dots on the top right).

Changing rights

To change the rights inside of a space, you have to be either the creator (owner) of the space or have "Admin"-rights of your own.
The settings to change the rights are found under the "Administer Page" (Found in the Drop-Down menu "more actions", via the 3 dots on the top right), below the point "Users & Rights".
Here you can change the rights. It is either possible to select "Rights: Page" (Changes are exclusively applied to the page itself) or "Rights: Page & Children" (Changes are applied to the page and all sub-pages).
Now the rights can be simply configured for users or groups by clcking on the corresponding boxes (multiple times). Each time a box is clicked the state is changed.

The 3 states are:

  • "Allowed" = Green Checkmark (Rights are being granted)
  • "Undefined" = Empty Box (Rights aren't changed, the parent-rights are used)
  • "Denied" = Crossed out, red circle (Rights are explicitly denied)


The Symbols look like this:

The page does not have to be saved for the changes to take effect.

Inheritance of rights inside of a Space

XWiki-pages pass on their rights to all their sub-pages, this means if a page is only accessible to a specific group, this is also true for all sub-pages.
(As long as the rights were set under "Rights: Page & Children")
If one wants to prevent this behaviour, the rights of the individual sub-pages have to be set specifically. In this case the rights of the sub-pages override the ones of their parent.
Basically, the rights must be read from "bottom to top" so that it is clear which rights now apply to a page.



You can find an extensive example on how inherinting rights work in our DESY XWiki FAQ, below "Rights concerning".



If anything is unclear about the use of XWiki, please first consult the official XWiki documentation and the DESY XWiki FAQ.
The DESY XWiki FAQ contains the most frequently asked questions and answers. These will be continuously expanded, especially during the introductory phase of XWiki at DESY.
Please note that the official XWiki documentation is only available in english. For non fluent english speakers we recommend using translation tools like DeepL, or the translator function of your browser.


If your question has not been answered on these pages, please contact the XWiki-Team(e-mail: xwiki.service@desy.de),
or, if you have more general questions, the central DESY IT helpdesk (e-mail: uco@desy.de, Tel: 5005).