URL: https://it.desy.de/help_uco/documentation/Pilot_Einstellungsgesuch_eng_Nov_2021_eng.html/@@siteview
Breadcrumb Navigation
UCO Documentation
Documentation about the DESY Mail Service |
Filtering Emails |
Digital Signatures for Documents and Emails (only German) |
Verify digital Email Signatures |
Overview about Software at DESY |
Create a Request in AMS to get Software or Hardware |
LabVIEW Licensing activation at DESY |
Operating Systems
Information on Windows at DESY |
Updating Windows Computers |
Information about Linux at DESY |
Introduction to AFS |
FAQ for using macOS in the DESY environment |
Storage and Backup
External access
Remote Support
IT Security and Privacy
IT Security and Privacy (only accessible from the DESY intranet) |
Digital Signatures for Documents and Emails (only German) |
Verify digital Email Signatures |
Transmission of sensitive Data |