Progress of Website-creation

schedule of requesting a website

We build your website in three steps!

First step:
Please copy the following listing into your e-mail program and send a filled one back to:!
Required information:

       Title of the website
       group designation, description of the conference or association.
       Is it a bilingual website? If so, which is the primary one or rather the one which is used to structure the website??
       Websites, which reference directly to DESY have a specified layout. If you want an individual layout for your
         website please send us a logo or an example of your imagination.

       Adress / URL of the website
       A website can have several addresses or rather one main address and several alias.
       List of editors
       Who will maintain the website?
       Shall the website be DESY-intern or DESY-extern?
       Password protection
       Will there be password protected areas? If so who will get reading rights ?

After the Web-Office received these information, it will normally take one or two days until the website is provided. The website will be empty and just contain standard information e.g. the "about us". At the beginning you can only get access within the intranet and the site is unsubscripted in search engines.
You can find information about the delivered website-package at "ZMS Product description".

Second step:

You can add contents with the help of the editorial office site. The Web-Office offers different documentations and a training how to handle with the editorial office site, so that you can work independent. Furthermore the Web-Office gladly helps you, if you have troubles or questions, or you need advises.
The web-editors are responsible for the content and should read up on DESY-Web-Rules.

Third step:

You inform the Web-Office, when the website is ready to be unlocked worldwide. If the website shall remain "DESY-intern", please inform us as well, because we have to forward it to the DESY-publicity in order that your website will appear on the DESY-Hauptseite and the DESY-User-Website.