URL: https://it.desy.de/services/video_conferences/index_eng.html
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Video Conferences

To get a free basic account for the conference tool zoom.us please register via https://desy.zoom.us/. Licensed accounts can be purchased at the DESY Asset Manger (AMS).

BigBlueButto at DESY is ready for Beta testing: https://conf.desy.de. This videoconference tool is operated by DESY IT and integrated in the DESY infastructure. DESY account holders can log in with their standard DESY credentials to book and use virtual meeting rooms. Please contact meeting.service@desy.de for feedback.

The conference service - DFNconf - of the german research network is available at https://www.conf.dfn.de/
DESY-Account holders can log in as hosts with their standard DESY credentials to book and use virtual meeting rooms (currently only available in german).