URL: https://it.desy.de/services/www/personal_web_pages/how_to/e82203/index_eng.html
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DESY policy of web pages
Rules for Preparing and Providing Information in the World Wide Web
General Remarks
These rules form the basis for providing information about DESY in the World Wide Web (WWW). They will be adapted to the changing needs as required.
The World Wide Web (WWW) has become an important source of information far beyond the physics community. For DESY this medium is very important to make information accessible to large numbers of interested people. This contributes to the image of DESY for the general public.
It is therefore very important that information about DESY as well as personal pages are provided with great care with respect to their effect outside DESY. Therefore the same criteria apply to WWW pages as to any DESY publication
In particular, each provider must ascertain that:
- the information is both correct and up to date
- only professionally relevant information is provided
- the data protection laws are observed
- any unnecessary network loading is avoided
- an external format is observed which is as uniform and correct as possible
- all specifications pertaining to DESY in general (such as addresses, DESY's goals, etc.), use the corresponding information or texts provided by the PR group
- no information of a commercial, religious, or political nature is propagated
- the information published in the WWW is checked on a regular basis and updated or removed as appropriate
- personal information about other people must not be published or distributed without their permission.
- each Website hast to have a link to the DESY-Imprint (Please use the link provided on the DESY-Homepage).
- It is not allowed to use copyrighted material like e.g. logos, maps etc. without explicit written permission.
WWW Servers at DESY
WWW servers must not be installed on DESY computers without first making an application to the division leader via the group leader and also informing the IT group if the servers should be accessible from outside DESY. The application must name both a person responsible for the content of all information offered over the server and a contact person for technical questions. The person responsible for content is also responsible for enforcing the rules mentioned above. This responsibility extends to all references to other WWW pages, but does not include the content of these pages.
Internal Servers
WWW servers used only for internal communication, testing or similar purposes require no registration. These servers must use the default port 80. Internal servers are not accessible from outside DESY. Except for the registration the general rules for WWW servers at DESY apply. Internal servers must not be used as cache/proxy servers because this could compromise access restrictions for users from outside DESY.
Personal WWW Pages
Personal WWW pages can be created by individual employees and can contain personal information about the employee and his field of work.
Personal web pages at DESY are in general world wide visible. But you can restrict the access or hide certain files.
When creating such pages, it is important to ensure that only information relating to the employee's work at DESY is provided. In general, the rules listed under "General Remarks" also apply to personal pages. There are plans to standardize the access to personal pages through the use of naming conventions and to enable such access through the central WWW server. This procedure is being developed by the IT group.
Using WWW within a Group/Collaboration
The use of WWW as a communications tool within a group/collaboration is not subject to the rules described under "General Remarks." Instead, the use lies solely within the responsibility of the respective group/collaboration, as long as it is ensured that the pages are only accessible to members of this group/collaboration.
Style and Layout of WWW Pages
In the interest of maintaining a uniform external format for all DESY WWW pages, certain rules should be observed with respect to the style and layout. These should include the specification of the author and creation date of a page, the use of the DESY logo, and the formatting of page headers, etc.
Technical Support
The groups IT/DV (Hamburg/Zeuthen) will advise and help with technical problems or questions relating to the installation of WWW servers and the creation of WWW pages. Questions pertaining to references from the DESY Home Page or other general DESY pages can be discussed with the IT group.