The layout

1)green websites:
Green websites are the DESY main pages. The central PR-group is responsible for the arrangement as well as the released contents.
Almost all websites referring to are green. Normally all offerings, which effect all over DESY and moreover, belong to green websites.

DESY main page

2) Yellow websites:
Groups of DESY and project referring to DESY will receive a website equipped with the DESY-layout. This type of website is tagged as yellow and look in example like the following:

Screenshot of the website of the DESY Guest-service.

3) Red websites:
Normally websites, which are certain for international cooperation or international conferences, receive an individual layout. This type of website is tagged as red and look in example like the following:

Example 1: Screenshot of the website of the XFEL-project.
Red template with teaser-area.

Example 2: Screenshot of the website of the Ecri2007-discussion.
Red template without teaser-area.

If no CI (Corporate Identity) exists, the Web-Office normally gives an advice for the layout. If you have logo, those colors can be used to adjust the rest of the different areas of the website.
Of course you can previously set the colors you want to use.
The layout can be changed anytime, independent of the added contents.