

Download Munki for DESY

(DESY intranet connection (e.g. via VPN) required.)

Technical data and development


  • macOS 10.13 + for Munki to work
  • macOS 10.15 + for all packages to work

Problem solving

Munki stuck at login window

Sometimes, the MunkiStatus progress bar over the login window can get stuck, and pressing the Stop button can take a while to halt the progress bar completely.

Network connectivity, in specific to the configured munki server, is required. In environments where connectivity is not guaranteed at the login window, 'looping' as failed attempts are retried may obstruct end users from logging in. The app which provides that progress bar, MunkiStatus, can be quit with Cmd-Option-Shift-Escape as a workaround if connection cannot be established.

Learn more ...

View the logs

to see why Munki is stuck, press simultaneously:

⌘ L

To kill it immediately

press simultaneously:

Cmd Option Shift Escape 

Munki renamed my computer

In some DESY groups, the computer name is changed with the help of Munki in order to achieve a uniform naming.

Currently affected groups:


Technically this will change ComputerName, HostName and LocalHostName of your Mac if they do not match the naming scheme of your DESY group.
Your group administration will help you with any questions.



Check network connection:

Make sure your Mac is connected to the internal Desy network.
The Munki Store will not work without a connection to the Munki server in the internal network.

Log files

View Munki log files:

Simply view logs from within the Munki Store app:
Window → Show Log OR hit the command ⌘ + L keys simultaneously.

For more detailed logs you can also access the log files directly in Finder/Terminal:

/Library/Managed Installs/Logs/

  • /Library/Managed Installs/Logs/Install.log contains a list of everything that Munki has successfully installed and uninstalled, and will also briefly log failures but without much detail.

  • /Library/Managed Installs/Logs/ManagedSoftwareUpdate.log contains detailed information about every item Munki considers and why it accepts or rejects it for installation.


Run Munki manually from the terminal for further investigations:

  • sudo /usr/local/munki/managedsoftwareupdate -vv --checkonly [this checks for updates but does not install them]
  • sudo /usr/local/munki/managedsoftwareupdate -vv --installonly [this installs any queued updates]

You can increase the verbosity of those commands up to 4 times (e.g. sudo managedsoftwareupdate -vvvv --checkonly)


Remove Munki and reinstall it. Sometimes this is the easiest way.

Remove all the Munki tools and Munki's configuration and cached data like so:

sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.googlecode.munki.*

sudo rm -rf "/Applications/Utilities/Managed Software"
sudo rm -rf "/Applications/Managed Software"

sudo rm -f /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.googlecode.munki.*
sudo rm -f /Library/LaunchAgents/com.googlecode.munki.*
sudo rm -rf "/Library/Managed Installs"
sudo rm -f /Library/Preferences/ManagedInstalls.plist
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/munki
sudo rm /etc/paths.d/munki

sudo pkgutil --forget com.googlecode.munki.admin
sudo pkgutil --forget
sudo pkgutil --forget com.googlecode.munki.core
sudo pkgutil --forget com.googlecode.munki.launchd
sudo pkgutil --forget com.googlecode.munki.app_usage
sudo pkgutil --forget com.googlecode.munki.python

Re-install with this package:

Download Munki

See also