URL: https://it.desy.de/services/operating_systems/macos/device_management/index_eng.html
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Apple Device Management

DESY IT operates an Apple device management system based on Jamf Pro.
Jamf manages and secures Apple devices, sets them up, pre-configures them and improves the user experience.
- https://learn.jamf.com/bundle/jamf-pro-documentation-current/page/Jamf_Pro_Documentation.html
- https://confluence.desy.de/display/Apple/Device+management
Affected devices
- All new macOS devices are automatically managed by Jamf.
- iOS devices are currently (2024) not managed by Jamf.
- Enforcement of the D4 security policies.
- Collection of inventory data.
- Utilization of DESY accounts.
- Pre-installation and configuration of apps and settings.
DESY groups can tailor their configuration or use the general one.
- Enforce password policy.
- Enforce Filevault disk encryption.
- Enforce macOS updates (not yet implemented)
- Installatiion of Munki.
- Login with DESY accounts.
- Installation of DESY WiFi profile.
- Pre-allow security software.
- Pre-install helper tools.