Nextcloud Client on Smartphones and Tablets

This web page describes how to set up Next Cloud Client on smartphones or tablets.


  1. Open the web site on another device that that you want to configure the client on.
  2. Login with your account information.
  3. In the upper right corener click on your initials and click on "Settings" (Figure 1).
  4. On the left side click on "Security" (Figure 2).

Figure 1

Figure 2
  1. In the right area of the page, scroll down to the very bottom.
  2. Enter a meaningful name in the left field (e.g. the model of your device) and then click on "Create new app password" (Figure 3).

Figure 3

  1. Now click on "Show QR code for mobile apps" (Figure 4). A QR code is displayed (Figure 5). Leave this page open for the time being.

Figure 4

Figure 5


  1. Install the Nextcloud client on your smartphone or tablet. To do so, scan one of the QR codes below, which will take you directly to the application in the respective store.

Android Devices


iOS Devices

  1. Launch the app and select the QR code icon on the home screen to switch to QR code scanning mode (Figure 6).

Figure 6

  1. Now scan the QR code that is still visible from step 7 (Figure 5). The setup of your client is fully automatic, so that your data should already be displayed afterwards.
  2. If the setup was successful, click the "Done" button (Figure 5) on the remaining web page to complete the process.