Secured Printing

Usually prints on DESY printers are just printed out without further actions after sending the job.
In the case of confidential documents - like personnel records or paychecks - this can mean that further people may be able to see those documents.

To protect against that there exists the option of secured printing. With this, documents will only be printed after entering a self-given password at the printer itself.

Please note: Secured printing is currently only available on Windows and MacOS.




How to use secured printing

Please note that secured print jobs only get saved for 1-3 days on the printers and can only be executed in this time window.

Step 1: In the document to be printed (in this example Word) please go to "File" and the sub option "Print".

Step 2: Under the selected printer is the button "Printer Properties", please click on it.

Step 3: In the opened window click on "Job Type" and then on "Locked Print". After that click on the option "Details" on the right to set up an user ID and password.

Step 4: In the newly opened window select "Create own ID" under the drop down menu "User-ID". Now you can enter your user-ID in the right field. You can choose anything with letters or numbers up to 8 characters. After that enter your password/PIN (only numbers, 4 to 8 digits) in the bottom field. You will have to retype this password on the printer afterwards.



Step 1: Tap the home-button to get to the main menu.


Step 2: Select "Printer (classic)".


Step 3: Navigate to "Print Jobs".

Step 4: This is a list of all pending print jobs, here you can select your own job.


Step 5: Here is a list of jobs under your name.

Step 6: After selecting your job you can print, preview or delete it.

Step 7: After entering the PIN you gave at the computer the job will be executed.



Common questions and problems

Which printers do have the "secured printing" capability?
How long can you access the print jobs on the printer?
Only a cover page has been printed