Diamond @ DESY



Diamond is a software from Crystal Impact and was purchased by -FS-. It runs on the Windows operating system only.

Extent and Use of Diamond Licenses

DESY has obtained a campus license for the software, so Diamond can be used anywhere at DESY (see here).

Provision and Use of Diamond

Diamond is centrally provided via the S-drive in the Windows environment at DESY (S:\services\Software\Diamond).

The A distribution via NetInstall is not considered due to the size of the software, the low number of users and the available resources.


The Diamond documentation is automatically installed during the setup and can be accessed from the start menu.

Central Support Level

The distribution provision of the software takes place as described above. A support of Diamond with regard to its functionality is not possible since we do not use it ourselves.

Contact Person for Diamond at IT

Please contact the UCO Hamburg or the UCO Zeuthen, resp.